The early Christians showed a new love, a way of getting together that captured the hearts of
many pagans, rather mediocre, in their lives. Nevertheless, nowadays a fatal communist proposal
had conquered many hearts, while Christians are struggling to keep up the line, and if there are still
a lot of conversions, much is due to charismatic realities (from religious orders, movements or other
Saturday night groups of young people are primary and have spread to the great majority. They
consistently produce sects of every type, and they capture millions of hearts. Behind such situation,
there is a passage that usually works alone when certain circumstances are given but can be
understood and made explicit to bring many back to primary Christianity.
If I say to an acquaintance that only Jesus gives us the future, is an exhortation that does not
change anyone (perhaps in the long term it contributes to a decision in that sense, but only if the
person finds a concrete path). If, on the other hand, at the beginning of a friendship, and by
introducing one in an environment where everyone tries to live the faith, I say to him: "I understand
that Jesus is the true future full of hope and heaven for all, but I realized it the day I decided to
follow the others I saw different, attractive, available to play life for Jesus," then I raise the question
concerning a conscious and free choice, the beginning of a new journey.
Too many Christians have never decided to truly be Christians! “Jesus cares also about you!
He counts on you to give you infinite love from the Cross, and he asks you to give him a hand (and
the heart) to build his kingdom. Alone is not possible. Would you like to join us? Otherwise, you
can find another inspirational path, but not a theoretical one, with other people ready to do all (but,
in between, you will find nothing)”. So expressed, everything changes. And the surprise is that the
heart immediately senses the magnet that attracts it, especially if the primary group in which it
actually moves has become precarious, mediocre, repetitive. Much depends on how it interacts:
only with supernatural words, indicating a divine call, without any human or psychological push.
The Gospel is beautiful and easy (the good news! The yoke is graceful and light!) only if
one wants it (as a gift of grace!) fully, with no discounts. Concretely, we must recall the five
conditions for living in faith: the vocation to follow, the path of holiness, the primary charismatic
communion, the missionary mandate. Then it is shown that some, now known by the person
concerned, walk together in the heart.
In the Church there are so many paths, so many ships in the fleet that navigate to the new world, but
it is necessary to choose and embark. Do you want to join us? In full freedom, but without
discounts. Our path of holiness includes a weekly encounter, one per month (it can be a two-hour
retreat), one per year (a three-day retirement, for example) and some daily piety practices (including
certainly a minimum For a quarter of an hour of prayer, as prayer is the way to pray for those who
believe in the Risen One, and speak with him freely).
All in full unity, with docility in the personal or collective spiritual direction, and with
apostolic responsibility, according to the characteristics of the chosen path. If the person
concerned adheres to it, it is the case to give him a hug and make him feel "family". Then we must
also cure the human, festive aspects of a primary communion.